
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Doggy Medicine Chest!

Hi Everyone!
Have you heard about the Doggy Home-Care Medicine Chest! First aid and home remedies for your pooch?

These remedies don’t replace proper veterinary care but they can keeps dogs more comfortable until medical care is available.

Did you know that there are 30 common human medicines that you can use on your dogs? I have been using some of these for years. I had a veterinarian in California ( I lived there for a while)  told me it was ok to use some people medicine on your dog. There is a list that you can now find on the internet

And…. Since we have our “little man” Duke at 11 weeks old, teething and getting into all kinds of trouble, I need to make sure I have some items on hand myself and thought I would share it will all of you.

These are just some things to keep around the house:
·       A&D Ointment: antibacterial for scrapes and wounds.
·       Anbesol: topical anesthetic for mouth pain
·       Aveeno Oatmeal Bath: soothing rinse for itchy skin
·       Benedryl: antihistamine for bug bites- also makes pets sleepy
·       Bufferin or Baby Aspirin: pain relief
·       Dramamine: helpful for car sickness
·       Ipecac Syrup: to make dog vomit
·       Neosporin: to help prevent wound infection

There are also things we can use for older dogs, and a whole list of other ailments. I will put some of those other items up at a later date.